It’s no secret I’m a lazy cook. Truth be known, I used to put some serious meals on the table. I don’t know exactly when that changed. When my grandmother passed away, and my children became teens or pre-teens and got busy with new evening schedules (ball games, church events, birthday parties, etc).
And somewhere in there the kids learned how to cook for themselves! That was weird. All I know is that one day out of the blue I found myself eating alone, a lot, with tons of leftovers in the fridge.
And then another day, I woke up fat. Those days were years apart, and totally unrelated. Hmm. Or were they? Anyway, that’s how I became such a lazy low carb cook. It has to do with cooking for one, and having better things to do than shop/cook/eat/clean three times a day. That gets old! 😛
It’s much more fun to get take-out, order room service, or meet up with friends for lunch at a favorite restaurant. 😉 Of course, enough of that is how you get overweight (*ahem*, referring to myself – lol), thus the low carb diet…
^ That’s what I made yesterday. It’s broccoli with ricotta cheese, smothered in colby/jack cheese, baked in the oven. I made one big pan of it. I boiled the broccoli (steam it if you prefer, just don’t gripe about me boiling), drained it, salted it a little, spooned on some ricotta cheese, sprinkled (okay, dumped!) on some shredded cheese, then baked it at 400 until it was nice ‘n bubbly.
I ate half the dish for lunch. 🙂
I use Pictsweet frozen broccoli, by the way. I love their frozen veggies. I was just noticing today that they are not even on Twitter, and the “Fresh News” on their website hasn’t been updated since January! Strange. Anyway…
For dinner I ate the other half of the broccoli dish, which I called “broccolasagna” LOL, along with some Tyson Beef Tips. I love the Tyson ready-made meats – from fridge to microwave to mouth in about 5 minutes!
I think I had a couple Quest Bars somewhere in there – maybe one for breakfast, and another in the afternoon. That was it, though. Nothing fancy, no “real cooking”. But hey – no take out for an entire day either! LOL…
Are you a “quick cook” or a Betty Crocker? I’ll admit, some days I miss cooking up big iron skillets full of southern cornbread, or baking, or whipping up a huge country breakfast topped with gravy. Some days. Not often. 🙂
It’s been fun learning new ways to cook, and trying out a few low carb recipes, but I doubt I’ll ever spend as much time in the kitchen as I used to…
You have a lot of room to sigh up there – lol. I’ve seen YOUR kitchen. π
I agree it gets very old when you only have yourself to cook for, like me.
Once in a while I catch myself waiting and waiting that someone will prepare me a meal but it has never happened so far. No food will materialize. I have to get up and prepare my meal if I want to get something to eat!
You have to pick up the phone and call it in!
Hi Lynn ! I made your awesome broccoli and cheese – and oh my it was so heavenly:
Thanks for all your awesome low carb tips! You rock!
I checked out your blog post last night – your meal looked delicious!! Good stuff π I’m adding your blog to my reader. I look forward to staying in touch!
Yay thanks Lynn π Love your blog!