I have a very candid piece to share with you today, but just like everything else I’ve posted over the last 7 years here on this blog I’ll be completely honest with you about the WHAT and the WHY, and the thought processes behind both.
I think it’s great to “talk real life” through this journey, and even greater that we have each other to do that with.
Keep reading – I haven’t totally lost my mind or gone off the rails. yet, haha 🙂
First though…
I just got my April Keto Krate box. 😍 There’s SO much fun low carb stuff this time. Here’s what’s inside this month, including a low carb Margarita mixer!!!
Learn More About Keto Krate: Always Low Carb & Gluten Free!
👉 Promo Code FIVE2018 will get you $5 off your first box
Did you get this box? If so, what’s YOUR favorite thing so far?
If you’re NOT getting Keto Krate, can I just ask… Why not?!:)
My Planned, Intentional Weekend Binge (Why, What, How)
First, let me clarify that this is two things: 1) a mindful decision, and 2) a LOW CARB binge. Hmm, “binge” may not be the fair word to call it… maybe a free-for-all or a let-your-effing-hair-down weekend might be more appropriate.
I’ll let you be the judge. 🙂
Before I dive in, I’m doing my next “clean test” experiment today for my low carb product testing series. I’ve been eating super clean this week, only tested & keto approved foods, and am testing in Optimal Ketosis levels, so…
Friday’s Food Test is CHOCZERO BABY! 🙂
Yes, this is what I’m having for lunch while I write this to you -lol.
It’s 1.9 ounces of cream cheese (Philadelphia 5 Simple Ingredients, half carb per ounce), two TBSP of peanut butter and two TBSP of ChocZero Chocolate Syrup.
Interestingly, the ChocoZero syrups are named Honest Syrup (which I’m pretty sure is the same as Truth Serum) and the fact that I’m eating it while writing this post means you’re going to get my truest thoughts and feelings today. 🙂
I’m eating super clean today other than ChocZero products, and staying within my macros, so stay tuned for the results of my ChocZero experiment – and if or how it affects my ketone levels or knocks me out of ketosis. 😉
Back To My “Weekend Binge” …
In my last food diary post, properly called To Be Low Carb Continued, I shared my frustrations with false negatives & positives on ketone testing (thanks to a glow-in-the-dark vitamin, lol) and also that my weight has been “holding steady” lately – or actually fluctuating all over the place within a 3-5 pound range.
So this morning I wake up testing in optimal ketosis like I said, but I weighed in UP almost a pound from yesterday. 🙄
That’s annoying. I know you’re familiar with that feeling, when you’re forcing yourself to eat super simple meals and whole foods and avoiding even low carb indulgences – and the scales just mock you. 😛
Truth: the fluctuations I’m seeing on the scales this week are most likely due to crappy sleep patterns, and nothing at all to do with what I’m eating – or not eating. Solid quality sleeps have always made a positive difference in my weight loss journey.
I mentioned in that last post that I was feeling frustrated and annoyed with the whole product testing thing, and how it felt like “dieting” all over again – which is why I even care what the scales say, because the whole thing just has me back on that crazy dieting roller coaster that makes me all anxious and stressed. 😯
I decided to take today (Friday) to do my next “Clean Product Test” (yay, yummy ChocZero!! 🙂 lol) and then for the rest of the weekend I am stepping away from it all.
Meaning: I’m taking a mental break, NOT a low carb break. I intend to continue eating only low carb foods, but I am going to eat whatever I want without concern for tested vs untested products, and without micro-tracking every &#%!@? gram.
Just typing that out loud made me breathe a HUGE sigh of relief, lol.
I feel so much pressure sometimes over what I eat, my macros, every little ingredient, etc. Some of that is definitely self-induced pressure, yes. But to be fair, being a public figure in the low carb space… everything I share gets judged, snubbed, questioned, yada yada yada.
Not to say I don’t LOVE what I do here, because I do!
I just need a break from testing, tracking, tweaking and micro-managing my meals to the point of dreading the next meal. Just for ONE weekend. 😉
Because truth be known, I’m probably harder / stricter on myself than anyone ever is towards me, lol.
So no, I’m not going to go totally nuts and eat bread. 😯
I do have some new products I want to try, without having to test them (yet), and I’d like to just relax and enjoy whatever low carb foods I want to eat, whenever I want to eat them, however I want to eat them.
I’ll still track my foods in MyFitnessPal, and I’ll still share ALL of my meals (and everything I eat) on both Facebook and Instagram if you want to follow along.
Whether or not I’ll stay under 20 net carbs I can’t promise either way. I’ll see how that goes. I have some new low carb ice cream flavors to review, a few really good products that are higher in carb count, but also have higher quality ingredients, that I’d like to try, etc.
I can’t imagine I would go much higher though, because I simply can’t eat like I used to. I’m just going to LIFT ALL LIMITATIONS for the weekend and FREE-FLOW it for a couple of days.
After today of course. Because today is ChocZero testing day!
Then on Monday morning, I’ll get right back to super boring (lol) clean eating of eggs and pecans and such. 🙂
I suppose this will result in some interesting things to share with you, so stay tuned! If you have any thoughts or questions in the meantime, let me know…
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. Are you usually more freestyle low carb or a macro-tracking keto addict like me?:) And did you get the April Keto Krate? Leave a comment & let’s chat!! 😉
(If you need coupon codes for anything you see in the box, I may have one – so just ask. Our coupon code for ChocZero is TravelingLowCarb. Our coupon code for Keto Kookies is LOWCARBTRAVELER. And the coupon code for Keto Krate is FIVE2018…)

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