It’s Easter Sunday. It’s April Fool’s Day. It’s the final Weigh-In Day for our current challenge. But it’s also Q2 – the first day of the second quarter of 2018.
How did you do with your goals in the first 90 days of this year?
Not so great??
If that’s the case… it’s time to REDEEM YOURSELF! 😉
This really spoke to me:
“Stop foolishly selling yourself short as you have the ability to multiply your performance, dramatically exceed your best expectations, and achieve goals on a pace and scale that will blow your mind.” –Gary Ryan Blair
I needed to hear that today. 🙂
That quote came in an email after I read a powerful highly motivating and seriously inspiring guide last night titled The Comeback Manifesto.
It’s exactly what it sounds like: a guide to help you make a STRONG comeback and redeem yourself in the second quarter – if you’ve totally tanked on your New Year goals so far. 😛
I want to share it with you, and hope it FIRES YOU UP like it did me!
I’ll show you how you can get it for free…
All you have to do is go to this page and make the popup to appear, then enter your email address. Check your email, open the free PDF they send you – and READ IT. 🙂
NOTE: I cannot get this to work on the mobile version of the site. You’ll have to be on a laptop or desktop computer. To get the popup to appear for the FREE MANIFESTO just move your mouse up toward the address bar like you’re going to go away from the page.;)
This is what the email & free download looks like:
If you do NOTHING else, read this free download today.
It’s called “The Comeback Manifesto” and it totally blew me away!!
That was EXACTLY what I needed – and I have a feeling you’ll get as much out of it as I did, no matter where you are on your goals for the year so far…
You are going to LOVE it!
It’s the serious dose of motivation you’ve been looking for. 😉
Wait, What is the 100 Day Challenge?
This is a program and live event that I’ve participated in before myself, and it’s really GOOD. It’s for ANY big life goals you REALLY want to achieve – FAST.
They’re kicking off right now, so feel free to take a look at that too. If you decide to do it, use the coupon code IDESERVETHIS for a special discount.
But first read the free Comeback Manifesto they send you by email!
I’m at a point right now where I need to take drastic action to make some positive changes in my life, which is why I was looking at this challenge again, and reading the Comeback Manifesto. Because that’s exactly what I need: a strong comeback!
It’s entirely too easy to get knocked down by random circumstances, find yourself in unplanned situations, or even just to let your goals go for far too long and find yourself in a bad spot – maybe drowning in debt, gaining weight, NOT living the life you really want, or whatever the case.
And THAT is when your motivation gets tanked, discouragement kicks in, and it can be HARD to pull yourself back to where you need to be on your own.
That’s why I host the Low Carb Challenge, so at least on this one point (our health & weight loss goals) we can work together, and always have an amazing community to tap into for motivation & inspiration.
Speaking of, that page ^ will be updated soon. We are in “unofficial challenge mode” and the group is still open & active while we wrap up the first quarter challenge and complete the final weigh-in. 😉
Stay tuned ~ a new low carb challenge will start soon!
In the meantime… Make sure you are signed up by email here or at the challenge page above, so you won’t miss the dates & details for the next challenge.
And download and READ the free Comeback Manifesto. 😉
Am I Doing The 100 Day Challenge Again – And Should You?
I can’t speak for you, because only YOU know what is right for you right now. But I will say it’s an AWESOME program – and it’s also backed by a 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee. The 100 Day Challenge is $177, or they have a 2-payment option ($90 ea). The coupon code IDESERVETHIS will get you $25 off either option.
So no, it’s not free or cheap and that’s something you’ll want to consider: whether you’re REALLY ready to invest in your goals, and dive in and MAKE them happen – or not. And if so, whether you can really do it on your own.
At the very least, take advantage of ALL the free resources & downloads they offer. This has been one of the most popular challenges around for YEARS and it’s endorsed by some of the top leadership gurus and mentors around the world.
Since I’ve done the challenge before and still have most of the resources, I’m on the fence on whether I’ll sign up again or do it on my own this time.
To start I am diving into my 90 Day InnerGuide to do some serious brainstorming, soul-searching & brainstorming. I use the Jump Start Your Goals in 90 Days “Life Coach In-A-Book” Planner because it’s VERY focused on highly specific goal setting and goal achievement.
This planner is totally different, but still great if you want a less “goal-focused” but still great year-long planner: Vintage Floral Bloom Daily Planner (I like it because it’s flowery and pretty!) 🙂
Maybe you’re doing awesome, kicking ass, and totally on top of your life at the moment. If that’s the case, KUDOS!
There is truly nothing like being on your game and seeing awesome results.
I’m not there myself right now.
I have no idea how these last three months have disappeared out from under me, but I’m ready to take control and start over – STRONG. 🙂
That’s why I sat down and read the Comeback Manifesto last night. It had a HUGE impact on me, with a seriously powerful dose of motivation & inspiration! Which is why I wanted to share it with YOU…
I’m on top of my healthy eating and low carb lifestyle. My exercise goals, not so much – along with other (personal) things in my life I want to change & improve.
I learned a long time ago though that goals are just a glorified wish list… until you MAKE them a PRIORITY.
I hope you enjoy the Comeback Manifesto as much as I did – and am.:)
I’ll be sharing more details with you as they unfold in my life, and probably after I “hike it out” a bit and get deeper into having my goals & action plan outlined. 🙂
As always, I look forward to your thoughts, input & feedback…
Here’s to an amazing year together!! *cheers*
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. Again, just go to this page on a laptop or desktop computer then move your mouse like you’re going to close it or go away from the page. When the popup appears offering you the option to Get The Free Manifesto – enter your email address there. ENJOY! ♥
“The first quarter is now history and your results speak for themselves. If you had a slow start or are unhappy with your performance, you need to step up your game and deploy better execution strategies to ensure that your goals are achieved in the second quarter.”

I so needed this today Lynn. Thank you so very much. I was feeling helpless, lost and my goals were long forgotten. I can stay in this funk or dig myself out. I want to dig myself out of this rut versus drowning in it. Bless you for bringing this to me in a time of need.
I’m really glad, Patricia! Did you have a chance to read the Comeback Manifesto yet? I totally get the “helpless, lost & letting my goals slip away from me” thing…
I refuse to KEEP letting this year get away from me though! This made it’s way in front of me in the most PERFECT timing, and I couldn’t wait to share it with everyone I know. π What a powerful wake-up call & the strong dose of motivation I really need right now!
Thanks for your update, I think we all need it! π
I was looking forward to reading the Manisfesto but I have signed up using your link, etc. to 2 different emails and have not received anything yet? Do you know if there is a problem?
Thank you again for your authenticity, it is refreshing!
Ahh, nevermind, it just showed up! π It just took a bit. Thank you!
I’m so glad, Linda – you are going to LOVE it! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts once you read over it. It’s a quick & fun read. π