I have to explain something. Well – two things actually… By the end of this um, interesting read (lol) you might be calling me Mary or Skully – or just crazy. 🙂
First, I was up for 24 full hours yesterday. This is important for two reasons: 1) because it looks like I had a lot of carbs and calories for ONE day. It was a LONG day. And 2) I’ve only slept 4 hours since then, so I’m a little “off” today. 🙂
So that’s the thing you need to know before I tell you what I ate yesterday – which was WEIRD, but good! The other thing I’ll tell you at the end, because… well, it’s creepy odd and totally freaked me out. 😛
Thursday’s Low Carb Meals
I woke up at 4am on Thursday. That’s because Wednesday’s Hike totally wiped me out lol, so I crashed super early. I got up and finished off what little was left of the awesome trail mix – because it’s addictively delicious!!
It’s a mix of Pili Nuts and Pepitas & Kale. Pili Nuts are huge buttery soft nuts that are super nutrient dense, by the way. Check out EatPiliNuts.com (we have a coupon code if you decide to try them: LOWCARBTRAVELER -all caps).
My low carb breakfast was my favorite combination of healthy foods: 1/2 cup pecans, 1/4 cup Daisy Cottage Cheese & 4 small strawberries.
It comes to 5 net carbs and 85% healthy fat.
Totally forgetting I had amazing leftovers from Ruby Tuesday in the fridge 🙄 I was really torn on what to do for lunch.
So I decided to get creative… aka one of my crazy kitchen experiments. 😛
I had 2 packs of Snickerdoodle Keto Kookies left, and about 4 TBSP of the Coconut Goji Powerblend (superfood stuff). I was going to just eat the cookies, but I wanted something less sweet. So I mixed them together. 🙂
And added butter of course! Then I squished it all together real good in a baking dish. This is what that looked like (below). I was like “Hmm. That’ll do!”
They did turn out good. 🙂
Surprise! haha
Confession: I totally forgot about that dish in the oven, because I had a full work day and set off to do some consulting. I should have set a timer I guess, but my nose told me I forgot them (haha) – so they were a little DONE. 🙂 It still tasted great though!
I cut them into “bars” and had a few for lunch (above) then I had a few for dinner (below) with my favorite “low carb cereal” – the same concoction I had for breakfast earlier:
I mixed that all up together like this – which was DELICIOUS:
I finished the rest of the “bars” later that night…
Here’s my MyFitnessPal Food Diary for Thursday:
Macronutrients: Simple Explanation Of Low Carb Macros
How To Get A Net Carbs Column in MyFitnessPal
Net Carbs: 27
Total Carbs: 51
Calories: 2380
Protein: 57 grams
86% Fat / 10% Protein
Water: 64 ounces
Reminder: I was up for a full 24 hours, so those numbers reflect more than a “normal day” of eating. 😉 And now, on to the next thing…
This is ME. 😯
This is NOT me… I mean, it’s not how I normally look!
I took that photo last night when I started swelling up like a hot air balloon.
I don’t recall being abducted by aliens. Of course, I don’t think you’re supposed to have any memory of that. 😛 lol. WHAT THE HECK?! 😯 Wowsa…
The bloating is better today but not totally gone, and my weight has been fluctuating back up lately too. I’m up to 146.4 pounds today, a full TEN POUNDS heavier than I was at the beginning of the year.
I’ve been sick. I haven’t really talked about that much since I originally got sick in January, which lingered on and turned into bronchitis bordering on pneumonia by the end of January.
I took antibiotics, which gave me a horrible case of thrush, I took meds for that, and about the same time my doc switched my antidepressant from Celexa to Lexapro.
I mentioned the Lexapro has been affecting my weight and vision. But on top of that, I’ve continued to feel “sick” (like a cold/flu/allergies) way after the 10-day round of antibiotics – and it’s just getting worse. All my lymph nodes are swollen so bad that it hurts to swallow. I’ve had a low grade fever here and there, that “icky sick feeling” etc.
I think I’m having some weird or allergic reaction to the Lexapro. Maybe? I dunno. I’m seeing my doctor again on Monday morning.
That week I dropped over 5 pounds in one week – I had halfed my dose every day that week. I started taking the regular dose again this week, and bam – I’m looking 17 months pregnant! 😛 lol… and feeling SICK.
It’s nothing I’ve eaten lately, by the way. Everything I’ve had in the last week are foods I’m familiar with and eat often. The ONLY thing I’ve been playing with and getting yo-yo results from yo-yo testing is the meds…
I’m ready to ditch the Lexapro.
Which sucks, because it’s actually working for me. 🙄
To lose this miserable 10 pounds, here’s what I’ll do:
Go super clean and super simple: no processed foods or even processed meats, limited cheese & nuts, all Real Food – meat & greens + healthy fats – super low carb (focus on meat & fat mostly, with smaller servings of greens). Only 3-4 ingredients per plate MAX (not including butter, salt, olive oil, mayo, etc). Keep it VERY simple and super low carb, and super clean.
That’s what I’ll be doing. It works. See the 3 Ingredients Rule.
It’s been a great stall breaker for everyone that’s tried it! It’s pretty much how I normally eat – except when I’m testing/reviewing new low carb foods for you.;)
So there you have it.
I got up and ate raw pecans for breakfast – super simple. I’m drinking lots of water. My “sick stomach” is taking care of itself, thank goodness. I had fish and veggies for lunch. I’m just going to take this one day at a time until I see Doc on Monday. 🙂
Oh – and Caroline is coming tonight, so no more weird Kitchen Experiments, lol. She’ll cook something fabulous, I’m sure – so stay tuned for that! 🙂
Plus whatever crazy outdoor adventure we get into on Saturday, because we’re both all about having FUN with our fitness!!
How are things going for you?
Leave a comment & let’s talk. 🙂
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. I have to hide my Keto Krate goods because Caroline LOVES to raid my boxes! haha – She ate the whole bag of Super Seedz. She said they were fabulous, by the way. I didn’t get to try any 😛 lol.
They’ll be shipping the April box soon…
I can’t wait to see what we get this time!!


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