The Free Keto Summit starts this weekend, so make sure you register today if you haven’t already. There’s a free keto cooking class video on the next page after you sign up. Just click the link or banner above. Enjoy! 🙂
I got up early this morning and made sausage & eggs for breakfast, and realized that today is Day 55 of the Fall Low Carb Challenge. WOW! 🙂
How are things going for you?
I would love to hear how you’re doing, how much weight you’ve lost, what you’re struggling with, etc. Let’s talk!
I’m still recovering from my last hike of the summer. That was a doozy! lol…
What’s in store for Fall? I don’t know yet. More hiking for sure, because Fall is such a beautiful time of year – and much cooler, lol.
I’m seriously thinking about joining the Tennessee State Running Tour too. There’s a 5-Miler coming up in a few weeks, but I’m not sure I can train in time to do it.
Although… if I’m feeling ambitious – maybe! 🙂 I’m going to do some research on training for races & marathons this weekend and feel it out.
I’m all for trying new things, getting more active, and finding FUN new fitness adventures to get in amazing shape this year!
My last low carb food diary had two days of EASY meal ideas, and I’ve been eating super easy meals the last four days too. I thought I’d share those with you so you’ll have some tips & ideas to mix things up a little.:)
Easy Low Carb Meal Ideas
My favorite low carb breakfast is super healthy and so easy to make (no cooking required!). It’s 1/2 cup of pecan pieces, 1/4 cup of Daisy Brand cottage cheese, 4 small diced strawberries & 17.5 grams of blueberries.
It comes to 6 net carbs and 85% healthy fat:
If you haven’t switched to Daisy Brand cottage cheese yet, compare the label to any other brand on the shelf the next time you’re at the store. You’ll be shocked too! 😉
Berries are not technically a fruit, by the way. You can enjoy berries in moderation as part of your healthy low carb lifestyle. They’re full of vitamins and nutrients! Blueberries even have powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties.
Eggs are also a staple in my low carb diet, because they’re easy and versatile.
The other morning I went to whip up a quick egg breakfast though, and I was out of butter! 😯
I used a TBSP of organic virgin coconut oil in the skillet instead, and scrambled up 3 eggs with 1.5 ounces of colby jack cheese (off the block). It was surprisingly good! I definitely tasted the coconut oil, and it had a different flavor than cooking with butter, but… I liked it!
On Tuesday I made a big veggie casserole to eat through the week. I love having something ready to “grab & eat” anytime, without having to fuss in the kitchen. 🙂
This low carb casserole is creamy, cheese, delicious and EASY.
It’s a bag of Pictsweet frozen broccoli florets, a bag of cauliflower, an 8 ounce bag of shredded colby jack cheese, salt of course, and a cup of unsweetened coconut milk… all tossed in a baking dish at 350° until bubbly.
That was easy, and my favorite dish of the week! 🙂
I made baked chicken thighs to go with it. Those are very easy too. I get bone-in chicken thighs with the skin on. I like to line a pan (like a big cake pan) with foil so it’s less messy. I put olive oil on the foil, rinse & pat dry then salt the chicken thighs and lay them in the pan, then add a pat of butter on each one. Bake covered at 350° for 45 minutes, then uncovered for 20 minutes to let the thighs crisp up.
While you’re cooking, you might as well make up plenty of chicken. That way you can enjoy leftovers, or make chicken salad for more easy low carb meals.
On Thursday I had my favorite low carb salad from Applebee’s.
I got it as take-out, because they have a great carside-to-go service. 🙂 It’s the Caesar Salad with grilled salmon instead of chicken (totally worth the upcharge!) then I added two different kinds of pumpkin seeds to it:
This past week was my first time trying pumpkin seeds or pepitas (the spanish term). It turns out they are incredibly nutrient-dense and FULL of vitamins and minerals! They’re a great (tasty) source of potassium for example, plus magnesium and zinc and iron just to name a few.
Here are the two kinds I tried (and I added a mix of both to my salad above):
1/4 cup of the italian herb seasoned pepitas is only 2 net carbs, and they made a great snack last night with a mix of cheeses. 🙂
I got those in the produce section at Wal-Mart recently. The Scout Backcountry pumpkin seeds (those had a little kick!) came in my last Keto Krate box.
I took several other low carb foods I got in that same box on my hiking trip this week, which made for a great low carb picnic!
Hopefully that gives you a few ideas or easy meals to try this week. If you haven’t tried pumpkin seeds in a salad or as a snack yet, I highly recommend them. I had no idea they were so healthy! 🙂
I really liked the coconut milk to make my casserole creamy too. I used a whole cup in that dish. You could also use Heavy Whipping Cream. The coconut milk/cream is 6 carbs per cup, and HWC is 7 carbs per cup, so they’re about the same.
Speaking of “about the same” lol, so is my weight. I still weigh 139.4 pounds. I’m actually happy with that for now, and really want to focus more on toning and muscle building – than seeing the scales move.
I wish I had started exercising much earlier in my low carb journey.
I lost all of my weight just eating low carb, and only started exercising in the past year – and not even consistently. I say that because… what was underneath all that body fat I lost, was NOT pretty at all. 😛
So that’s my mission right now: get more serious about toning up!
My new Fitbit came in this week so I’m off to unbox it & set it up, then I’m going to watch the Keto Cooking Class video from the Free Keto Summit…
How are things going for you?
How are you doing with your low carb meals & macro tracking? Any questions or struggles with your own weight loss journey? Leave a comment and let’s talk!
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler


I changed My FIness Pal to show my net carbs. For some reason it has coverted back. I can’t find the link of instructions to change it again. Can you repost it? Or tell me where to find it!
Hi Linda! Here’s the link to get Net Carbs in MyFitnessPal: π
Thanks so much!!!! I am going to bookmark it this time!
You keep me so motivated and thinking about more ideas for meals! I cant wait to make the veggie thing you made! Do you think I can use hwc instead of coconut milk? I’m with you all the way! Today I hit 70 lbs down. I started my weight loss journey at 258 on April 18th. I weighed 210 when we started this challenge on August 1st. Today I’m 187.6!!! I exercise some and enjoy running in place. Ive also recently started a few yoga moves. Thanks for all your support, tips and time β‘β‘β‘β‘
Hi Tracie π
Yes! The coconut milk/cream is 6 carbs per cup, and HWC is 7 carbs per cup, so theyβre about the same.
CONGRATS on losing 70 pounds – wow! π Way to go!!
Hi Lynn,
I have about four more pounds to lose and boy is it a struggle! Why is it so dang hard to get those last few pounds to budge! I am doing the no scale September challenge and I am not sure how things will be when I weigh again in October. It’s taken me 6 months to lose 15 pounds. I am hypothyroid and lose way slower than most. I have trouble with exercise as it wears me out if I overdo and end up on the couch for a few days till I recover. I wasn’t like this before my thryroid tanked, ugh! I have lost my weight by eating low carb but definatley need to tone up. Any suggestions for some not too strenuous exercise? Also what flavors of the b up protein bar do you recommend. I have to eat gluten free and am always on the look our for a good bar that is gluten free.
Hi Cyndy π My favorite is the PB&J bar. They are cheapest on Netrition here: They are less flavorful than other bars (Quest, Atkins) but have WAY less sugar alcohol in them, which I love. The texture reminds me of Quest Bars. I like the texture!
As for exercise, cardio is not that great for toning anyway – so stick to low impact muscle building and strength building. It can be done in a few minutes, and doesn’t suck up tons of energy, which is ideal for you.
I have worked my way up to 100 reps on the Ab Carver Pro: and I can do those while half a pot of coffee is brewing. Also do Tricep Dips. Arm muscles are small so they tone up fast, you’ll get quick results. π See: (that’s me doing them in the woods lol). I often do those with a kitchen chair while I’m waiting on eggs to boil or something. I’m up to 20 at a time…
Terrible terrible terrible. Aren’t you glad you asked how it’s going? Failed again. I do look at each failure and try to learn something from it. I keep trying to convince myself that sugar addiction isn’t real and that I can be an intuitive eater. I’ve been deep into foods that have spiraled me back into that deep dark hole again. I’ve been there so many times you’d think I’d learn it isn’t a good place to be. I guess the positive in it is I keep finding the ladder to climb back out. This time I even went so far to delete all my low carb Facebook groups, including you, sorry. But you were kind enough to let me join back, thank you. I’m really tired of this constant battle in my head. It’s very draining and wears me out. I’ve wasted so much of my life thinking about this stuff that it’s sad. I found an article that really spoke to me and I’m getting back on this journey on Monday, again.
I’ve been there, Barb. I got so frustrated with the on/off roller coaster. I must have lost the same 10 pounds 100 times, lol. Grr. π I get it.
What worked for me was getting on and *staying* on track – and after 2 full weeks all cravings and desires went away completely … and I’ve felt amazingly fabulous ever since! That was in early April I think…
Sugar addiction IS real. I was an emotional eater, and a binge eater. I craved the “carb coma” reaction to overeating bad foods – that lethargic sickly feeling, yes. Go figure lol.
Anyway, when you STOP you don’t crave it anymore. When you eat it, you do. It’s like any drug really.
But yeah, like you I was in and out and on and off and it was an exhausting battle. This is the best thing I have EVER done for myself. Not just physically, but even more so: mentally and emotionally. π
I can really relate to your comments, Barb. I too think I can manage as an intuitive eater (I’ve never heard that term before, but it describes it perfectly). I know exactly what works for me, and I’ve done it. But then a nibble here and a nibble there and I’m completely off the LCHF plan.
But reading the comments of others and Lynn’s helpful, fun tips keeps my mind in the park even if I’m not on the path right now.
Thank you to Lynn for this site and to all the people who share their experiences.
Tomorrow’s another day.
That makes me smile, Donna π Thank you!
What you’re both talking about is more commonly referred to as Mindful Eating if you want to look that up.
What works best for me in that regard is to log my foods BEFORE I eat (or make/get) them. It gives me an extra moment to consider if it’s what I really WANT to eat, and make a deliberate decision.
I’m still here and still weigh 193. Had a set back that stopped any exercise for a while. Hurt my ankle, had to wear a “boot” for a while but now in a hard plastic brace. 2 more weeks of wearing the brace. The way my foot is hurt even stops me from water exercise. I have tendonitis in the tendons on top of my foot. This causes it to hurt when I flex or point my foot.
I made shredded chicken this week and boy is it good. I cooked 3 chicken breast and it has fed us for 2 nights.It is very easy and oh so delish.
Hi Kathy – I’m so sorry to hear you hurt your foot, and that you’re in pain. That’s terrible! I hope it heals fast and heals completely. If you enjoy and miss exercise, what about hand weights for arm exercises you can do sitting down? You could even use something around the house that’s around 5 pounds each… Just an idea!
Your chicken sounds fabulous. π I love meals that feed you for days!
What’s a go to when you want something ‘sweet’ or dessert like?? And easy of course π Lately I’ve had a hard time even wanting to eat. And then the next day not being able to get full. Like today i just can’t stand the thoughts of making anything to eat….yesterday I wanted all the food, keto but still. I know I have to feed my body. Am I alone in this? Do you have any suggestions?
This isn’t a snack but a light meal. Sugar free plain yogurt, mix in your favorite berries (i use raspberries) and then squirt in some sugar free coffee syrup – my favorite is chocolate. Chocolate and raspberries go so good together, so having chocolate raspberry yogurt feels like you are cheating.
Thanks so much Kathy! I’ll give it a try!
I like Halo Top Creamery ( low carb chocolate ice cream, or Mint Chip ice cream too. But it’s HARD to only eat a 1/2 cup serving. π It’s GOOD.
Hi Casey π For EASY sweets I keep sugar free candy on hand – like sugar free york peppermint patties, or russel stovers sugar free pecan clusters. I only eat one and that tends to satisfy my sweet tooth. Any more and it makes my tummy rumble. π
I go through the same thing with lack of appetite, and then insatiable appetite. I call those “hungry days” and while they’re rare for me anymore – they generally happen right before the scale drops.
Hi Lynn,
This is my first time to reply…you have been my inspiration and accountability partner…I too have kept losing the same 14 lbs over and over…last Aug I was down to 150 feeling good and thinking I was a on my way…then before I knew it I was back up to 167…so depressing…but then you were able to keep adding up successful days and weeks, I felt left behind and wanted your success. I jumped end the last week of the short challenge and have continued through this current challenge! I’m down to 153 and feel good. No one else at my home does the low carb, so it gets hard when a yummy pizza and garlic bread are on the counter, but I have stayed strong. I have figured out that I can’t have a cheat day or meal, because it awakens all those bad cravings. Looking forward to the exercise challenge (need lots of toning)!
Donna B.
Hi Donna – it’s great to hear from you π
I’m SO glad you found inspiration here! That totally makes all the hours spent every day on this… WORTH IT. π π
I’ve been in the same place, with those same numbers. I know exactly how you feel. And how GREAT it feels to finally be moving AWAY from it. π
Hi, Lynne – – – I have been MIA for a few months – – maybe more than a few, but I now have new resolve, have survived re-induction (why doen’t it get any easier) and, of course, as usual, I missed the start of this challenge, but, I figured that any day that I choose to start is a good day….. Works for me….
Anyway, I just got my first order from Netrition of Low Carb Bread products in almost a year…. After about a month, back on plan, I realized that what I missed the most was real bread – – or something that tasted as good or better than real bread…. Usually, I order Pumpernickel and Everything bagels, and sorme sort of white bread and rye bread, and then I pick something new to try – – I have had some hits, and some strikes (didn’t like the soft pretzels – – to skinny for my taste and not “Pretzely” enough – – but I hit a home run this time…. I ordered their buttery bread sticks!!!!!! OMG!!!!! Died and gone to heaven wonderful, for sure…. They are two hotdogs long and about as big around as those ones I used to get at one of the chain ‘garden’ restaurants….. I have no problem eating a bratwurst, italian sausage, kielbasa or hotdog without something wrapped around it, but it just would taste better if there was a tender, soft with a crust bread type thing around it….. I know that they have HD buns, but these are much more versatile. and each is only 2 net carbs!!!! My head is filled with thoughts of meatball sandwiches, sub or hoagie sandwiches, and brats with a buttered bun, heaps of sauerkraut and brown horseradish mustard….. Oh, my goodness – – – A quick heat up in my toaster oven and I was in business…..
I am enjoying reading about your progress…. You look terrific, and you sound happy and content…. Keep it up…. Hugs, Pat
Thank you SO much Pat π
I found the low carb Buttery Bread Sticks: I’m about to review their new fettucine, so I’ll put that on my list too! π
I’m so glad you’re back!! π
I bought a box full of goodies from the low carb bread company. I was disappointed with the almond cake bar and so I had not tried anything else…until tonight. My family was having pizza and I wanted some too. I broke out the low carb pizza crust I ordered and made margarita pizza with our fresh garden basil. I was not disappointed with the crust. The texture was good! The flavor almost tasted a little rye to me but it was good too. Totally worth ordering…i will order more of the crust in the future.
I’m so glad to hear that, Madeleine! I have the same low carb pizza crust in my freezer, and just bought mozzarella to make a pizza this weekend. π π Yay!
This is the one I have:
Yum! I rubbed mine with a Lil olive oil and garlic powder, put a Lil fresh diced tomato and fresh basil and topped with fresh mozarella slices (all seasoned with salt, basil and garlic)– it was so good! I also ordered some muffins, bread and soft pretzels from low carb bread company that I have not tried. As bad as the taste and texture of the almond cake was…The taste and texture of this crust was great! Hope yours is yummy too, Lynn! I do not weigh often but I measure regularly and I am still losing inches and continue to be inspired by your success and your posts!
Thank you π π And thanks for the tips!! I am going to make mine tomorrow. That sounds SO good!
I dropped down to 137 on Wednesday and couldn’t believe it! I have been super busy and not eating enough I know so I expect that number will rise a pound or so this weekend. We’ve spent the last few days in Nashville having fun and eating well…even though I’ve stayed on plan I’ve had my hungry days and enjoyed!! We walked most of the day at the flea market in the hot sun so at least I got in some exercise. I know I’ve knocked myself out of ketosis and can’t wait to get back to it and make goal….. hopefully by Christmas.
Have a good weekend!
Congrats, Marti! π Nashville has a lot of FUN things to do and see! I’m 80 miles southeast of Nashville myself. Glad to hear you’ve had a great time there this week. π *cheers*
Hey Lynn, this is my first time to write, I am so inspired by everything that you post so I had to let you know a little bit about me, I started following you this summer and started a low carb eating plan I’m not gonna say the word “Diet ” because I hate that word lol I just want to change the way that I feel more than the way that I look but looking good would be a sweet plus I suffer from fibromyalgia espically in my lower body some days I hurt so bad I can hardly function normally, so far I have lost 26 lbs, but I’m stuck losing and gaining the same 3 lbs for a month ugh!!! Today I signed up for the Ketogenic class through your website, I’m hoping I can learn a lot about helping to heal myself and get healthy and lose weight in the process, thank you so much for all your inspiring pictures, food plans, and post you have helped me tremendously and by the way your favorite breakfast has now become mine lol
Hi Connie π It’s so great to “meet” you! Thank you SO much for taking the time to leave a note.:) I’m really glad you’re enjoying “my cereal” because it’s such a healthy meal!
I’m with you. Dieting makes me feel deprived. I truly LOVE the low carb lifestyle! My doctor wanted to diagnose me with Fibromyalgia too a few years ago, but I refused. Fortunately eating low carb the way I do has finally gotten me OUT of chronic pain, which was an unexpected but VERY welcome result. π
Don’t worry too much about those little stalls or plateaus. They are totally normal. First make sure you are tracking super close. I use MyFitnessPal – what do you use? You want to make sure you are eating 20 net carbs max, and 70% fat minimum. Eating leaner is usually a #1 culprit to weight loss stalls…
Next, analyze your food diaries – have you changed or added/stopped anything you were doing before when you were losing weight consistently? If so, go back to what was working. If not, you’re okay!
The first things to cut are nuts, dairy, cheese, cream cheese, bars/shakes, any processed foods. The best thing to do is go super simple (meat & greens + healthy fats) for two full weeks. The “3 Ingredients Rule” is VERY effective as a stall-breaker:
I look forward to hearing more from you! π