When I first decided to “go low carb” I was scared. Maybe that’s a strong word, but I literally felt scared.
I was nervous, I was worried I couldn’t do it, mostly… I was afraid I would fail.
That was 5 1/2 years ago. Fast forward to today… and I am healthier, stronger and leaner than I’ve been since my early 20’s! I’m 43 now, by the way. 🙂
I was reminded of that fear, that hesitation, and that battle in my mind of “start… or give up before I even give it a chance?” this week when I was presented with a new challenge.
There’s a reason for the goofy hat, by the way. 🙂 It was the secret behind getting over my resistance. I’ll explain…
As you know, my biggest goal this year (my TOP priority) is to get in amazing shape. More than anything I want to get FIT. I want to know what that FEELS like, for the first time in my adult life. The last time I was “in great shape” I was 17 years old.
I’ve been “skinny” a time or two since then, but never FIT – in shape, STRONG. I want that, and you’ve seen me really push myself toward that goal the last few months.
There’s a company that decided to support my goal, that believes in me: Go Sport It! You may remember they sent me their Push-Up Bars to review, which I really love.
It’s easy enough for me to do cardio and work on my lower body strength through walking and hiking, but I’m having to really focus on toning my upper body.
I’m doing that with home workouts using things like the Push-Up Bars, Core Slider Discs, Tricep Dips and the Ab Carver Pro.
Knowing my goals, and how much I enjoyed their Push-Up Bars, Go Sport It sent me another one of their products to try: their Pull-Up Bar.
That’s my handsome buddy and workout partner, Slim – my great dane. 🙂
(We match! lol)
This was all fun ‘n games until I opened the box…
It came “assembly required” – like most things. Everything was included, even the tools (whew, lol). It even came with a free jump rope! 🙂 It took a bit of effort to get it together. Fortunately I had Joe there to help me because it took both of us, and I joked afterward that was an upper body workout in itself. 😛 Mainly when we had to twist the bars into place to get the screw holes lined up – they were tight.
Anyway, we did finally get it put together (thank you, Joe!!) and positioned in the door frame – and that’s when I totally freaked out.
I couldn’t do it. I could not do the FIRST pull-up…
I tried it a few different ways. It just wasn’t going to happen.
I had ZERO upper body strength, or not enough for THIS at least. I was ready to give up, pack it up, send it back – and just admit failure on that one. 😛 Hey, I’m a 43 year old woman – ya know? It’s OKAY if I can’t do pull-ups or chin-ups. Right?
I shared with my friends (and had a good laugh) about not being able to do a single pull-up. They laughed with me (which is what good friends do) but guess what? They came back with some GREAT ideas and suggestions! 🙂 They gave me some things to consider and research, so I went off in search for some help on this…
I found several links and videos for “getting started” or for starting out with modifications, but THIS is what SOLD me on trying again: Pull-Ups For Total Beginners. That page went into great detail on “how to do your first pull-up or chin-up” and he even had a very detailed instructional video to go with it.
I only had to watch the first 3 minutes of it:
I like this guy (and I love his hat!!) so I put on MY hat and tried it out. 🙂
I don’t know what it was about him, or about his hat (lol), but – well he explained it so well, so simple, and it seemed easy enough.
I still wasn’t sure I could actually lower myself down like he did (I mean, look at his arms!!!) but then there was the hat. It was like “the magic hat” lol. Somehow putting on a hat like his made me feel like I could DO this.:)
I figured I better catch it on video, you know – just in case I fell on my face, broke the chair, and ended up in the hospital LOL. I waited for my spotter (Joe) to arrive first. NO WAY I was going to attempt this at home alone. 😛
I DID IT!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 And I continued doing it, working on “control” and practicing letting myself down slow. It was a GREAT workout!!
I went from a “give it up” attitude, to FINDING A WAY to make it happen! 🙂
I’m excited now. I’m leaving the Go Sport It Pull-Up Bar in my door frame, and I am going to do the chin-up modifications EVERY SINGLE DAY until I work myself up to doing REAL chin-ups and pull-ups. 🙂
This whole experience brought up so many thoughts…
Thoughts about giving up before I get started, or giving it any real effort. About how I was afraid to start the low carb diet all those years ago, and WOW – how doing it totally changed my life!! About facing my fears, which I’ve been doing SO much of lately with my crazy adventures.
I was literally AFRAID of the pull-up bar, lol.
That sounds silly NOW doesn’t it?
I know you’re probably thinking, “It’s JUST a pull-up bar, Lynn.” I know. And honestly I wouldn’t have felt that bad if I had just sent it back and moved on to other things.
I was okay with accepting it was too much for me.
Several of my friends said “I’ve never been able to do a pull-up” or “those are WAY hard.” I accepted they were for fitness PROS. Not women like me.
But then… something clicked in my mind. I realized that giving in and giving up and shying away from things is NOT how I got where I am today.
I wanted to at least PROVE that I could NOT do it, instead of assume or accept that as fact. Rewind a few years and I NEVER would have scaled bluffs or ventured into big caves. I didn’t have the strength or the stamina to do those things, and I was afraid.
Now I’m facing my fears, taking life on as a CHALLENGE, and pushing myself in all kinds of new directions! 🙂 It’s all a part of the transformation: becoming the happiest, healthiest version of myself.
Going low carb was originally just about weight loss for me, like it is for most people. What I didn’t expect, the COOLEST benefit, is all the other ways it changed my life.
It gave me confidence. It gave me a sense of achievement, that made me feel like I could accomplish anything I set my mind to.
It helped me overcome things that were holding me back in life (which were the reasons I ate), so I could move on… and find out who else I could be! A happier person, a healthier person, a more outgoing and adventurous person even. 🙂
I’m glad I tried the Pull-Up Bar again.
As simple as it seems, it reminded me that I am NOW a person that can do anything I want to do. It gave me a fun new challenge. It reminded me that I am NOT the person that gives up easily anymore.
Here’s the link to the Go Sport It Pull-Up Bar. It has great reviews on Amazon!
I don’t intend to “get ripped” or try to achieve some body builder look, by the way. I just want to get STRONG and FIT and have a nice shapely body.
I want to wear tank tops, and even bathing suits, without covering up – or fidgeting and feeling self conscious. That’s all. 🙂
All of the things I’m using for my home workouts are easy, inexpensive, small and portable – easy to put away and get out, etc. I like that!
As for the new Pull-Up Bar… it’s hanging in the kitchen doorway, where I can easily work on my chin-ups and pull-ups while the coffee brews. 🙂
I was wearing my Fabletics outfits in the photos & video, by the way. I love Fabletics! This is my invite link if you want to check it out: http://www.fabletics.com/invite/lowcarbtraveler/
Click Here To Check Out Fabletics Athletic Wear
The blue skirt is my newest piece, and I LOVE it. It has shorts underneath, and it’s a lightweight material you can even swim in. 🙂 I thought it would be perfect for the river hikes and waterfalls – when I want to swim or get wet and keep hiking. Bingo!
Plus it’s cute. 🙂
Confession: cute workout clothes make me want to work out more! lol…
I rambled on quite a bit here. Thank you for listening!:) What I really want to pass on to you more than anything is this: If you have a fear of something, fear of failing even, and you keep giving in or pulling back into your comfort zone… maybe it’s time to ask yourself if your comfort zone is REALLY all that comfortable.
If it was… would you keep thinking about doing this or that, or making changes?
Probably not.
Think about what it would feel like to MASTER something, to achieve something awesome. Gosh, just letting myself down off the pull-up bar TOTALLY MADE MY DAY, lol. I felt like the queen of the world! 🙂
That was a MAJOR accomplishment for me!
Every time you push past your own barriers, you become stronger and more confident. Every time you resist an old or bad habit, IT becomes weaker.
This is exactly how I overcame my emotional eating problem. I took control, instead of letting IT control me. And THAT… feels amazing.
I’m excited about life, I’m loving all the crazy fun positive changes I’ve made in my life this year, and I feel like the world is wide open and full of new experiences to enjoy! 🙂
I wish I could bottle that up and pass it out to everyone I know!
But since I can’t, I’ll just close with this:
You can do anything.
If you see someone else do something, YOU can do it too!
There’s nothing stopping you but yourself.
(I know this, because I held myself back in so many ways – for so long.)
Whatever it is… it’s not as hard as it SEEMS.
YOU can do ANYthing! 🙂
Friends… if I can do a chin-up and a pull-up (and I will! Just watch! lol) then everything we ever thought was impossible, or “not for me”, just totally changed.
LOL. I’m serious. 😉
If at first you fail, fail again. Fail harder. Find different ways to fail. Just keep going, keep finding new ways, keep working around the mental and physical barriers, and DO WHATEVER THE HECK YOU WANT TO DO with your life! It’s yours.
I failed A LOT over the last 5 1/2 years.
I’m so glad I never gave up though…
Here’s to embracing change. To accepting the challenge. To becoming the happiest, healthiest people we can BE! 🙂 *cheers*
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. Stay tuned. You ARE going to see me do a full set of chin-ups!
We’re awesome, me and you. We can do anything!


You’re “I did it” made me cry. Good for you for sticking with it.
LOL I was beside myself with excitement!! 🙂 Thank you, Natalie… This thing hung in my doorway and haunted me for about a week before I finally decided NOT to give in and admit defeat. 😛
I’m so glad I gave it another shot…
Love your posts!! Always so honest and “raw” so to speak. You inspire me to keep going.
I have been on some form of diet for about 3 1/2 yrs. (1186 days) according to MFP! I had lost about 60ish lbs with counting calories, but was “cheating” more often than not. Started low-carb lifestyle a little over a yr ago and have seen many good things from this change. I am at 93lbs lost (should have been 96 but gained 3lbs last month, Doctor nor I can figure why?–still have longggg way to go!!). I have been experimenting with some low carb recipes
from several different people that I saw on Pinterest, maybe it was those recipes. So….this
month I am still experimenting with some low carb recipes, bit have tried to step up my vegetables in my meals, since I had been slacking on veggies.
I hate cooking but do like your keep it simple meals idea. I am struggling with eating the same thing all the time, hence the experiments. but I keep going one day at a time and trying not to “give up” !!!!!
Keep up the good work!!!!!!
Thank you Angie. 🙂 Congrats on your success so far, and kudos for taking control of your health the way you have!!
How are you tracking? You said you use MyFitnessPal, so I assume you’re using their recipe calculator to log the recipes you’re experimenting with? I find that is the easiest way when I make more complex dishes.
This is a very motivational post Lyn. This could apply to any areas of our lives. We have to keep trying and to be the best at whatever it is we want to do in life. This is so true. This gave me food for thought
All i need now is my magic floppy hat to put on whenever i think of giving up. 🙂
Great job. LYN. 🙂
The hat is the key. 😉 haha – I don’t know why that “clicked” for me, but it made me WANT to try it again, lol. I thought: I have a hat like that! 🙂
I want to keep pushing myself, and my limits. I want to find out what I’m REALLY made of. And I want to get rid of my pudge around the middle – finally – for good. 😛
“Food for thought” – that made my day. 🙂 And it made me think of food, and realize I’m hungry! *cheers*
The hat is symbolism to me…….Put on your confidence in yourself
i write poetry and use metaphors a lot in my writng. Hmmmm i may write a poem about hats…..and all the different hats we wear. 🙂 i love it!
I love that, Gina – “the different hats we wear” – Maybe that’s what it was. Maybe putting on HIS hat made me feel like I could do something he did, or made me feel like a different version of myself… one that accepts a BIG challenge. 🙂 Well put!
Lynn and I knew you could do it! I came into that session a little late but I was totally going to say I think you need to start with a chair or a stool but I was afraid I might be wrong lol. I’ve been wanting one of these myself, some day! I was practicing at the park on the bars they have there, maybe I should get back at that.
You’re totally rocking it with the getting fit part! Inspiring!
Thank you Angela!! 🙂 🙂 I don’t know if you saw the video of me faceplanting off the bluff on the rope swing… but THAT is what was going through my mind with the pull-up bar, lol.
I’m so proud of myself. Seriously proud…
But then, this was actually easier than trying to figure out how to fit it back into the box. 😛 haha!
Yes I did see that video I think I commented then you should work on upper body strength lol, only because I knew you were into getting fit! But like you replied I’m sure you just slipped then.
You should be proud! We had a rope swing for Hayden in the backyard at my parents I never DARED tried to swing on it!
Yes lol – I freaked, and flopped out of fear (because I tensed up haha). It was SCARY! Plus I went off the wrong spot, the highest spot. 😛
I nailed it the second time though. 😉 Crazy me for even going again, but I could NOT let that be my one and only attempt!
You look FABULOUS Lynn. And I love the hat – and Slim too!
Thank you, Judy!! 🙂 🙂
Lynn, thanks for this inspiring post. This post has really helped me get on the exercise kick. I already have the Pro Ab roller, but haven’t gotten around to doing it for the repetitions suggested in the the literature, but now I want to do that, continue with my daily (well, should be daily, but have been “weekly” triceps exercises) and get fit myself. I’m getting this Pull-up bar too.
All of your new outfits really are cute and you look great in them. Thanks again!
Thank you, Vicki. 🙂 I’m so glad to hear you’re getting consistent with exercise too! It kinda took me awhile – getting on a consistent routine, I mean. I would like to be doing even MORE, but at least it’s finally starting to become habit and part of my routine. 🙂
I’m really surprised at how fast my arms and such are shaping up. I think it was the Ab Carver Pro and me being consistent with that, plus the Tricep Dips … that gave me the strength to lower my entire body weight down 8 times last night! 🙂
I was going to post that not many folks can do a pull up and tell you not to worry about it. I tried once and failed miserably and gave up forever but NOW that I’ve read this, I’m excited to go give it a try! Lynn, you are the bomb!! Thank goodness Spotter Joe didn’t have to make that grocery store run!
lol @ the “go bag” – and pick up mozzarella sticks! 🙂 haha. I was seriously afraid of that bar, and the whole idea of falling and breaking my neck on the chair. 😛 It felt like such a HUGE accomplishment just to do the modified version!!
I actually hurt myself trying to do them straight up, without researching it first, so I was wary of giving it another go, lol. It IS hard. It’s definitely something I consider “for the muscle men”… so I feel very accomplished. Er, and sore today. 🙂 lol
Go for it, Joni!! It’s SO cool. 🙂
You Go Girl! :), Beautiful post and I’m very proud of you for not giving up. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, little Engine that could :).
I have good news, no I didn’t do pull ups, but I did find the reduced sugar ketchup at my store LOL. WooHoo, I was excited and I had some this morning with an omelet and it is very good.
Thank you Roye!! 🙂 And yay on finding the low carb ketchup! It helps so much to find replacements for the things we enjoy, so we don’t feel like we’re doing without.
That’s why I eat my “low carb cereal” most mornings now – because I missed Special K Fruit & Yogurt cereal (high carb! lol) so I made up something that had the nice sweet crunch to replace it. 🙂
THAT was so inspiring, Lynn. Thanks so much … You are awesome!
Thank YOU Freda! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. 🙂 *cheers*
Congratulations!! I had the same bar in my kitchen..my sons had brought it in one day & well me being on my kick of becoming strong, fit & well just sucessful at all i attempt to see how far i can push. Well i became excited at the site of it so i walk over grab the handles & ….. Nothing! I couldnt budge. So i just kept doing it, everytime i walked passed it i grabbed the bar.(i didnt know about the video for beginners )..lol anyway after a few weeks of inching myself off the ground i eventually was able to pull myself eye level to that bar!!! All i could say was YESsss!
LOL Traci – I couldn’t budge at all either! I’m impressed you kept trying and inched yourself up to eye level. That’s AMAZING. 🙂 I bet you felt that awesome sense of accomplishment too, lol – wow, that felt great!!
I love feeling stronger. Especially when I’m in a predicament caving or rock climbing and have to pull my entire body weight up – or fall to death 😯 EEK lol. It’s nice to be able to DO things!
Great post! Just keep swimming– just keep swimming
lol, Monica – I love that saying! 🙂
I hope you are still working at it. I’m up to 4 chin ups now!
That’s awesome, Ray!! I’m not up to actual chin-ups yet, but I *am* still working on it. 🙂 You’re way ahead of me, lol – way to go!! What kind of bar are you using?
It’s the same type bar you are using. Golds Gym is printed on mine, but to be honest, I think they are all made in the same place. 😉
It was sitting in the coat closet, hidden away from view. I had given up being able to do any chin ups. Your post got me to consider taking it out. After a couple days of inactivity, being down on myself, I put it back in the doorway.
It appears losing 20 lbs makes it easier to pull oneself up.
That makes my day! 🙂 It feels GREAT doesn’t it?! And yes, that’s exactly what Scooby said in this video and tutorial – the less weight you have to “pull up” the easier it becomes. 🙂
Kudos for pulling it out of the closet and mastering it!!
Time to update Lynn! 🙂
I’m up to 5 actual chin ups now. You?
I just <3 you so much. 🙂 WTG.
Thank you Jackie! 🙂 🙂
I LOVE your posts. You’re such a positive inspiration. And your humor is infectious. <3
Thank you Donna 🙂 🙂 🙂
Great job! I need upper body strength also. I got stuck a few weeks ago in a squat and had to pull up with my arms and hurt my shoulder. Now waiting for healing or to see if I need to go to the Dr.
I am wondering how sore you were after doing your first pull ups?
Oh no – a hurt shoulder is tough! Sorry to hear that, Teryan. I recommend using an ice pack and Advil for the inflammation, and see a chiropractor so they can determine what’s going on there.
I had been working on upper body for awhile before trying the modified chin-ups. Mostly via rock climbing, kayaking, tricep dips at home, and just other fun stuff – so I wasn’t sore at all. Which means I need to up my game. 😉
I totally see what you’re saying here…now to apply it. I have been holding back for so long with excuses…too old, too overweight, too out of shape….thinking that I have to just accept that I can’t be that fit person, or do the type of things a fit person can do. I have destined myself to be old and out of shape!!! Thanks for the inspiring words and pics. You’re journey has really made me take note!
I’m so glad, Deb. 🙂 You’re never too old. I feel YOUNGER at almost 44 than I did at 24! I was in chronic pain so much of my adult life, and now I’m out living a FUN active (adventurous!) lifestyle. 🙂
I’ve seen some amazing women totally turn their lives around in their 70’s. There are some incredible and inspiring stories out there from people that just decided one day… to be whatever they wanted to be. 🙂 I love that!!
LOVE the navy skort! Couldn’t find it on the Fabletics site : (
Thanks for the chin up/pull up information
I love it too, Sheila – and now mine doesn’t fit anymore! YAY for weight loss, but BOO for discontinued styles. 😛 lol
I may search for it on Google and see if I can find a smaller size somewhere else like a second hand site…