Today (May 27th) is Senior Health & Fitness Day. 🙂
Ironically I was just looking at a Yoga DVD this morning “for Mid-life (40’s – 70’s) including AM Energy, PM Relaxation, Improving Balance, Relief from Desk Work, Core Strength, and more”…
It has AMAZING reviews on Amazon. It was also the first one I found in my search. Apparently it gets recommended a lot.
I’m turning 42 next week. Yoga interests me as part of my overall health mission, specifically for building core strength and improving my balance.
I think it would make a great addition to my muscle & strength building exercises. I’ve also been looking into meditation as well. I’m not you’re typical “foo foo” type, but I can certainly see the benefits in getting more mentally and emotionally grounded in my goals, and Yoga and Meditation do go hand in hand.
As I mentioned in my recent update, my health goals are expanding. I’m no longer focused on just weight loss alone, but rather on a “holistic” approach: building muscle, losing fat, improving bone health, etc.
While I am by no means a “senior” in my early 40’s, I thought today would be a great day to bring this up – given Yoga is such a great low-impact exercise for overall health and well-being for those who are of a more mature age.
Studies have proven that a sedentary lifestyle is seriously unhealthy, leading to chronic pain and overall physical deterioration. Simply put: the more we move, the healthier we’ll be. Obviously not everyone can run a marathon or do heavy strength training. And those are certainly not things you want to jump into without physical conditioning anyway.
I already have a great Yoga DVD, but I may try this one (above) as well. The last few years I have finally been getting back into an active lifestyle of hiking, water skiing, and exercising. The more research I do, I realize it’s more important than ever at my age (in your 40’s and beyond). After the age of 30 you naturally start to lose muscle mass and bone density. Without being proactive, your health (and flexibility and strength) could easily decline by the year – dramatically affecting your quality of life.
Eating healthy is one part of the big picture. Movement plays a BIG part too, though. I know if I don’t get serious about it now, time will NOT be on my side. And I want to be FULL of life these next few decades! 🙂
Do you Yoga? and/or Are you 40+ ?
Right now I’m doing the Fast Track Focus 25 Workout, and also walking and water skiing. I think I would really love to add Yoga/Meditation into the mix though – mainly for the core/balance and the relaxation, but also just to mix it up more. 🙂
I would love to hear what others 40 and over are doing for exercise.
Leave a comment & let’s discuss it!
* My great dane goes absolutely NUTS when I do Yoga, by the way – lol. I have no idea why, but he rolls around on his back and “talks” the whole time, totally cracking me up!! ~Lynn
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