I’m sitting at Starbucks this morning, getting some work done. It used to be that they only offered pastries and muffins, but they’ve added some new “healthy choices” to the menu at this particular Starbucks. Mainly breakfast sandwiches and wraps.
Today I grabbed my usual Iced Coffee (with heavy cream and sugar free vanilla) along with two breakfast sandwiches. One bacon, egg & gouda – the other ham, egg & cheddar. The lady behind the counter was nice enough to prepare them without the bread:
Now that I’ve sat down, enjoyed my (late) low carb breakfast, and started typing… I forgot what I was going to blog about. There’s confession #1 for ya. 😛 LOL.
Fortunately I jotted down some notes before I left the house this morning. And a few on the way here too. Not while I was driving (don’t stress! ha), but when I stopped for gas n stuff. That’s the thing about blogging – you’re always full of ideas, or you’re always doing something you want to remember to share – so you’re constantly having to take pictures and note your ideas along the way so you can share them the first chance you get.
Then there’s the spam, and other junk that clutters up your internet. It would be nice if you could just “do what you do” but there’s this constant barrage of blog comment spam, social media noise, Facebook Group spam, endless amounts of email, etc. It’s enough to make me avoid my own blog some days…
No big deal. I have it under control. I have things in place, including help and filters and software and such. I truly LOVE blogging. Almost as much as I love FOOD. 😀
I Feel Fat.
Yes, that was random. I’ve actually done well maintaining my weight since the big surgery, but I haven’t been losing weight.
I’ve been working out, and I recently added in weights for strength & toning, but my eating has been hit or miss. Some days I didn’t even feel like eating and had things like Atkins Shakes and Almonds. Other days I ate my meat & veggies, salads, and other healthy foods.
And then there were days I don’t really remember, or don’t want to, lol. Unfortunately I haven’t been taking the time to sit down here and share the details with you. Apologies – I aim to get back on track. It’s SO much more fun eating with you. 😀
I’m not “fat” by the way. I still need to lose about 15 pounds (I’m guessing) and tone up, so that’s my big goal right now. That, and of course maintaining the lifestyle journey I’ve started, by exercising and sticking to a healthy low carb diet of meat & greens.
Dang! The Pressure!
I think about you, and my blog, every single time I reach for food. That’s a good thing of course. Even if I’m not actively sharing my meals or blogging about my diet, I still feel the pressure – I mean, accountability. 🙂
Not only do I want to reach my own goals, but I really want to help other people achieve real life-changing results, too. And to do that, I have to walk the talk.
My blog here is all about my traveling lifestyle too.
I’m an on-the-go type of person. I “dress out of the dryer” and “eat out of the dishwasher”. (But hey – at least the clothes and dishes are CLEAN, lol.) This is not because my life is too busy. In fact, I have a lot more freedom & flexibility, and a lot less pressure than most people. It’s just my personality. I like to be on the go, keep myself busy, and I love to travel – which I do by choice.
I haven’t traveled much lately due to being sick, and then being down for surgery and an extended recovery. In fact, I didn’t travel well at all on my last trip in early June…
It was a road trip to the beach at Okaloosa Island in Florida. I wasn’t myself on that trip.
I didn’t feel well, and my feet and ankles kept swelling up like crazy. I spent most of the time relaxing. With my feet up. 😛
(I can’t believe I didn’t blog about that trip. Geez!)
It’s only been in the last few weeks that I’ve been feeling like myself again. That was a LONG slow process. If you missed it, I had a freakishly bad reaction to the anesthesia when I had surgery in February. It affected my cognitive function, which, at one point, meant I couldn’t keep count up to three. Meaning I couldn’t even make a pot of coffee, or take a shower, without screwing it up somehow. Seriously.
I finally got back on my feet and back to somewhat of a normal schedule, but it was months still before I was really able to *think* clearly – or consistently – which has just been in the last few weeks.
I’m rambling here, mostly because I miss all of you! 😀 I don’t really feel any huge pressure about being so quiet. I’ve been trying to go easy on myself and just get back on track with everything across the board – my life, my health, my blog, all of it.
But like I said, even when I’m quiet here, this blog really holds me accountable. I want to be a good example, and I want to be here to motivate and inspire you – like you do me. Even if you didn’t realize it…
I have no idea yet what I’m going to have for lunch. For dinner I’m thinking about grilled chicken and roasted broccoli & cauliflower (take-out, of course! lol). And I do have another road trip coming up soon – to Atlanta in a few weeks. I’m looking forward to that. Mostly for the variety in food choices on the road. 😉
I’m really glad I’ve been able to maintain my weight post-surgery, and proud of myself for pushing my limits at the gym consistently. Life is not perfect. Neither are bloggers. Stuff happens. I’m glad to be back though, and I look forward to catching up with you!
I have lots of thoughts and ideas I want to share… but I’ll save those for my next posts.
How’s the summer treating you? Where are you with your diet & exercise goals? Found any cool new (easy!!) low carb recipes lately?? Leave a comment and let’s catch up. 😀
Jeanne says
Honey, stop being so hard on yourself. You have been through an incredible ordeal!
We women are way too hard on ourselves, ESPECIALLY about our weight. Good grief,
in the scheme of things, how important is it really? At the end of your life, you won’t look
back and say-“geez, I should have lost 10 more pounds”. Nope, your relationships and
loving others is the priority (including loving yourself) and the things that we’ll look back on.
Hey, half the time I don’t have time to read all the blogs I want to anyway. I appreciate
your occasional comments on the Facebook 90 Day Challenge.
Lynn Terry says
Beautiful advice, Jeanne! I hope everyone reads that and takes it to heart. π
I’m not being hard on myself. I’m actually feeling very happy, very at peace, and very pleased with the direction things are going. Just giving an update on where I’ve been, what’s going on, how I feel, what I’m up to, etc. Basically catching up. π
I’m excited about getting active here again and sharing low carb food ideas & having some fun healthy lifestyle discussions again now that I’m back on my feet – with a clear head!
natosha says
hey I am so curious about things like atkins and all like low carb.. well LOW CARB in any type.
I’ve been on any type like for 3 years or so.. right now i’m doing ok in 4 days well today be day 5 but like of low carb high protein low fat Dukan Diet.. lean protein more of the white meats lol
chicken breast ground turkey near 90 percent like 99percent fat free and low fat cheeses
try for 2 percent or less
and only main fat coming from eggs have 4-6 a day but prob allowed more but not sure
my thing is that I find now I use to feel ok with just a little when eating a high fatty low carb but now I tend to urge for food 4 times a day on low carb high fat .. its ok but it didn’t really make me feel like I was doing well cause my appetite might be bit off and caused me to binge..
now doing a leaner version
I guess the Unlimited thing is working so far same weight (don’t really need to lose just maintain).. and I do eat often cause of headaches and feeling ill
They say protein burns more , 30% to digest causing less calories in the diet plus fuller longer
and lower calories in just lean meat but i’m guessing the metab boosting of it all helps a lot
but in some way not sure I really would love to dig into some
home made fried chicken
or rich cheddar and cheeses not low fat or
fatty beef burgers bacons lol
but i’m ok at what i’m doing but your images make me realize how boring
boiled chicken breast can be even tho tastes ok to me just gets boring lol π
Sorry for going my question is how do you feel towards the idea of low carb is it filling to you? do you fear the idea of if your hungry you still have to monitor calories
like do you think you can eat as much but I guess for even if your weight is just for maintaining or losing a little like 2-3 lbs
I hear a lot mention calories still matter and that’s what I have an issue with..
my one thing is fat tends to not fill me as they say
I would eat maybe lets say 4oz of cream easily whipped up or even 12ozs lol
or butter using a few tblspoons
tend to become easily to make meals yummy
but my calories I guess start to hit 2500 and I end up feeling guilt and blowing up
hmm … so sorry writing so much lol
what is your idea on low carb and the calorie thing
Lynn Terry says
Hi Natosha,
I see a lot of people counting calories and tracking their fat, protein, calorie etc intake daily. Personally I don’t do that. The only time I stalled eating “low carb high fat” was when I was sick and taking hormone therapy. Otherwise, eating LCHF works, and I eat as much as I need to stay satisfied without worry.
If you’re not eating many carbs, you need fat. Your body switches from burning carbs/sugar for energy, to burning fat for energy. I’ve seen people stall eating too “low fat” – I’ve even experienced that myself.
In the end, listen to your body. And of course, know the science behind your diet. You can’t mix diets usually, as the science is conflicting. π *cheers*
Suze says
So glad to see you. I have been praying for your recovery and sending good wishes your way. I have missed you and your sweet wonderful way of living low carb. I did join the 90 day challenge and I have to say the members over there are AWESOME. Such a great group. Even though the challenge is over, we are all still hanging around, sharing recipes, encouragement, and fun stuff. You planted the seed and it has grown into a bush of helpfulness and good things. I look forward to your next post π
Lynn Terry says
Thank you, Suze! I agree, the Low Carb Challenge group on Facebook has turned into a *great* community! For anyone wanting to join us there, it’s at https://www.facebook.com/groups/lowcarbchallenge/ π
Eva says
Hi ..
First of all I wanted to say I really like your blog. I found it by googling “low carb coffee creamer”. I never thought of the heavy whipping cream option. Nice!! I found one with zero carbs at Aldi’s of all places and am thrilled! I love my coffee!
Some of your comments really hit home with me because I have the same thoughts. I am really good at punishing myself. I really struggle with finding the amibition to exercise. Maybe you could share some of your motivational tips : )
I’m glad you are on the mend and I really look forward to more posts on your blog.
Lynn Terry says
Thank you, Eva! I’m glad the heavy cream tip was helpful for you – I love it in my coffee too. π That’s a great topic. I struggled with the fitness part for a long time myself. It would open up a fun discussion to find out what works for others, too!
Lynn Terry says
p.s. You might enjoy this post on Weight Loss Motivation – great discussion there: http://www.travelinglowcarb.com/3785/weight-loss-motivation/ – but I’ll share in another post what REALLY helped me get on track… π
Lynn Terry says
Here you go: http://www.travelinglowcarb.com/3879/motivation-to-exercise/ THANKS for the inspiration!! π