This morning I weighed in at 159.8 pounds. That’s almost a full pound lighter than yesterday, plus I was super happy to see a “5” on the scales again! 😀
After being stalled for a few months at the end of the year, it’s really nice to see consistent (daily!) weight loss again – finally!
Yesterday started out with my usual coffee. Then later that morning I ate what was left of a Hardee’s hamburger, about 2/3 of a burger. I just wanted something quick, easy & light to put on my stomach knowing I was going out for a big lunch.
I met an old friend for lunch at Applebee’s and had a GREAT time catching up! Ironically she had just “quit sugar” this week herself, so we had lots of fun things to talk about on that note. 🙂
I ordered the Shrimp & Parmesan Sirloin with mixed vegetables:
I added a Caesar Salad as my other side item, in place of the potatoes:
Absolutely delicious!! The entire meal was maybe 10 net carbs total (guesstimating based on their nutrition facts – and the fact that I didn’t eat the carrots, and ordered my salad without croutons). I couldn’t even finish it all, so I ended up having the leftovers for dinner last night.
That made for a pretty light day of eating, but it was a busy day – and I didn’t get hungry again until right at bedtime. I was too tired to worry with food at that point though. 😛
I met my friend Kim at the gym last night and we did a solid one-hour intense cardio workout. If I hadn’t been meeting my friend, I might have bailed on my workout for the day. I was SO tired last night! I found my stride about 10 minutes into it though, and was really glad I went. 😀
I’m getting closer and closer to my ideal weight. I’m not sure exactly what that will look like on the scales, but I’ll know it when I see it (in the mirror, not on the scales, lol). I’m really pushing myself to exercise daily because once I do lose the rest of this weight… I want what’s underneath to look GOOD.
The last time, when I lost my goal weight of 25 pounds (and before I gained some of that back again – ack!) I was disappointed at how much muscle tone I had lost once I was able to see my old figure again. It happens. I’m turning 40 this year, and I have a very sedentary lifestyle (desk job).
Speaking of, today (Thursday, January 24th) we’re starting a Mini Challenge in the 90 Day Low Carb Challenge group to “Drink More Water!” There are SO many benefits, including great skin and fighting the signs of aging. It also helps you build muscle – so this mini challenge is perfect for me right now. I’m off to chug a bottle! Join us – it’s fun. 😉
Hey Lynn,
Congrats on seeing those numbers go down again! I know that’s nice to see. π I absolutely love the chicken Caesar salad and I always order the half size. I need to get back to my consistent workout again, I worked out this week only twice, but I’ll get there. π
Keep up the good work!
Twice is better than none! π I’m off to the gym again today. But on the days I don’t go, I make it a point to get some sort of exercise at home. Sometimes it’s “exercise” like 30-60 minutes on my Gazelle or my Zumba DVD, and other times I’ll do something like sweep the entire basement and the basement & outdoor stairs. As long as “move” and work up a sweat, as a bear minimum, I count it. π *cheers*
I know it’s been awhile since this post, however I wanted to add here, I’ve not been consistent with my workouts at all recently. π
Monday seems like a good day to start back at it. I do a Cher workout video. I have 2 of them. With your recent surgery, slowly get back on your workout routines. I’d like to get a treadmill, I have a ton of room in my bedroom, so that would be an ideal place for one π
ANYtime is a great time to start back! You’ll feel SO great when you do. I can’t wait to get back to the gym, or any kind of exercise, myself. I’m getting pretty anxious, but just ending four weeks on bed rest and not quite up for it yet. Hopefully soon. π
Lynn-I have been a type 1 diabetic for 27 years. Unfortunately, trying to stay in control of blood sugars has wrecked havoc on my body because I had to continuously increase my insulin thereby continued to gain weight. Three weeks ago I started on low carb. At first, I had to crash the insulin down to avoid massive low blood sugars-I estimated pretty well and was able to lower my insulin by 60 %. Here is my question this week, I started having hours of muscle spasms in the trunk of my body-could not even sleep it was so bad.I am a little discouraged because I m not sure my body can tolerate Ketones. The doctor suggested drinking tonic water-any other suggestions. I am losing weight and joints even feel better so I want to stay on this diet.
Hi Teresa,
I would definitely work with your doctor as you make dramatic changes. It is common to get headaches and leg cramps during the “keto flu” when your body switches into ketosis. That usually happens around day 3 for me, not week 3, but your situation could be different. Anyway, the best solution is to drink chicken broth – to replace the electrolytes and sodium lost, which is what causes the cramps. Go ahead and drink some right away for immediate relief, but continue working with your doctor.
p.s. This may prove helpful: