Guest Post by Jedha Dening
Some of my favorite topics to share over at Paleo Weight Loss Coach are motivation, mindset, emotions, and goal setting.
So here are 10 tips on weight loss motivation and goal setting to help ramp up your results.
1. What’s your motive for action?
You need a compelling reason to take action because it’s not enough to just say ‘I want to lose weight’.
Everyone wants to lose weight but the question is why? When I went on a mission to lose weight I was so tired of beating myself up and being unkind to myself that I decided it had to stop. That became my driving factor. Every time I’d want to eat crap, I’d remind myself that I didn’t want to ever feel like that again. It gave me the strength to get past my addictions.
2. No one is born with motivation
Although we admire people who seem to have it all together and can achieve their goals, motivation is still a struggle for them as well. No one is born with motivation; it’s a skill that we can learn. In any given moment we have the power of choice. Motivation is the ability to be able to choose what’s right and good for you and then do it even when you don’t want to. It gets easier over time the more we make the right choices for ourselves.
3. Learn the law of delayed gratification
Nothing happens over night. If you plant a seed it takes time to grow and that is simply the nature of life. If you learn this then I think it stops the urgency and makes you realize that the efforts you put in now will pay off later.
4. Get Support
Having support is essential to success! Make sure you engage the support of friends and family, a community on facebook, a coach or trainer, or a site like this where you can share experiences, results and encouragement.
5. Set Your Goal
Brainstorm your reason why and use it to set a compelling goal that is realistically achievable. In reality no one can lose 10 pounds in a week, so don’t go exaggerating your ability.
6. Make a plan
Write it down! Sounds obvious but many people don’t do it. So get your pen and paper and work out how you are going to make it happen. What will you eat? When will you exercise? What obstacles could come in the way?
7. Get to work
It is no use just thinking about it, you have to take action on your plan to make it happen. Yes, that means getting out of your comfort zone and doing something different. In the process remember the law of delayed gratification, you will see the results of what you do now within 3-6 weeks and the longer you maintain consistency the more traction you achieve.
8. Focus
Follow One Course Until Successful. I heard this acronym once and I’ve never forgotten it!
9. Achieve
Acknowledge your achievements and victories no matter how big or small. Sometimes you may overcome an emotional obstacle, sometimes it may be that you have developed an exercising habit, or learned how to cook. Whatever it is, give yourself a pat on the back. Every positive step is a step in the right direction
10. Life’s a journey
The process of learning, growth and change is a journey so embrace it for the wonderful thing it is. An opportunity to get to know yourself and transform the way you think, act and be. 😀
Leave a comment below, and let us know what works best for YOU when it comes to weight loss motivation and goal setting!
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