In my last low carb food diary I shared my recent meals, my MyFitnessPal diary for Monday, and my weigh-in and goals for the 2018 Low Carb Challenge.
You can still join us, by the way…
Jump right in anytime!
😉Below are my meals and MyFitnessPal logs for the last two days (Tuesday and Wednesday) to give you some low carb ideas & examples.
My Low Carb Meals on Tuesday
I’ve really been enjoying the Ketologie Keto Shakes so I decided to try one of the recipes on their website for Collagen Protein Pancakes (low carb pancakes using their shake mix).
I didn’t have flaxmeal or baking powder, so I just used almond meal only in place of both. I’m guessing they would have been even fluffier with the baking powder but they cooked beautifully without it too:
You can see the ingredients in the MyFitnessPal diary below because I logged everything for this recipe individually. It made two meals for me.
I added organic frozen blueberries and topped them with salted butter, which was delicious. 🙂
For an easy low carb dinner I made shrimp & veggies.
I thawed the frozen shrimp and tossed them in a non-stick skillet with a tbsp of butter and a Sweet & Savory spice.
I had some spinach already steamed, so I steamed a bag of frozen cauliflower and then tossed both in olive oil & garlic powder – then baked the veggies on a baking sheet at 400 degrees.
Easy roasted vegetables & seared shrimp! 🙂
I was in the mood for a creamy dessert that night, but NOT in the mood to bake (lol) so I decided to try out the new Pili Nut Butter with a ChocZero Dipping Cup.
This is the first time I’ve tried the Pili Nut Butter and I can’t decide if I like it or not. 🙂 It’s kind of like almond butter, but with the flavor of Pili Nuts.
I will say it paired VERY well with sugar free dark chocolate.;)
I put the Pili Nut Butter on top of cream cheese and drizzled the melted ChocZero dark chocolate over both:
I also had 5 coffees, using my sugar free creamer, so here’s how my macros came out for the day…
My MyFitnessPal Diary for Tuesday
How I Have MyFitnessPal Set Up with Net Carbs
My Low Carb Meals on Wednesday
On Wednesday I got up and scrambled 4 eggs in real butter with colby jack cheese – my usual. I can’t eat all that in one sitting, I can eat maybe 3 eggs, but I just finish the rest later.
Over lunch I was working so I had a Chocolate Coffee Keto Shake. 🙂
It’s entirely too cold here to drink an iced shake, so I made it with hot coffee instead. Delicious!
For dinner I ate leftovers from the night before – the shrimp, cauliflower & spinach meal.
It was just as good the second time. 😉
I’m not usually a big dessert person, but Slim and I curled up on the couch to watch a movie (and keep warm!) and something rich & sweet just sounded good.:)
I decided to make two individual low carb desserts. That’s what I LOVE about ChocZero Dipping Cups. You can make a single dessert (great for portion control) or you can make a variety of desserts – and it’s super quick & easy! ♥
You can see my low carb candy ideas here using the dipping cups.
I made a white chocolate cup with peanut butter, and a dark chocolate cup with Pili Nut Butter and macadamia nuts:
Yum! 🙂
I also had four coffees yesterday with my sugar free Coffee-Mate powdered creamer, so here’s how my macros worked out for the day…
My MyFitnessPal Diary for Wednesday
The Dark Chocolate Macadamia Nut candy I made last night was AMAZING. I mixed in a TBSP of the Pili Nut Butter then added half a serving (14 grams) of the macadamia nuts. It was creamy, crunchy, sweet & salty – Mmmm! 🙂
ChocZero Dipping Cups are a real save when you’re craving something sweet, but want to keep it low carb. They don’t have sugar alcohol, so no tummy upset – just delicious easy sweets!;)
I haven’t been getting out this week because it’s WAY below freezing with ridiculous wind chill temperatures 😛 so I’ve just been eating what I have on hand.
My girlfriend from high school is coming in for a visit though, so I’m headed out in a bit for dinner… and I have grilled salmon & greens on my mind.:)
How are things going with you?
I hope this first week of the new year has you motivated and on track with your health goals! I would love to hear how things are going on your end. 🙂
Questions / Comments? Leave a comment!:)
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler


I have been following the LCHF woe for a year now. I recently heard from my physician that eating Keto all the time is NOT recommended. She says it causes osteoporosis and I am now scheduled for a bone scan. I am 58 years old and my mother has osteoporosis so Iβm concerned. Have u heard anything like this?
I’ve never heard anything like that Carolyn. I would research it. I was reading up a bit on that this morning, and found a couple of things.
It looks like the main cause of osteoporosis is a lifelong or long term lack of calcium. One site says, “Risk factors for osteoporosis include aging, being female, low body weight, low sex hormones or menopause, smoking, and some medications. Prevention and treatment include calcium and vitamin D, exercise, and osteoporosis medications.”
I wonder if your doctor suggested that based on an assumption that you are not getting enough calcium in your diet?
It can also run in the family, so it’s hereditary and genes play a role. The fact that your mother has it may be her primary reason for concern perhaps?
I take Vitamin D and exercise, so I was glad to see those two things on the list. π As for calcium, many low carb foods are high in calcium so you may also want to research that and track your calcium intake.
Foods like: spinach, broccoli, turnip greens, kale, cheeses (ricotta cheese, feta cheese, cottage cheese, cheddar, swiss, etc), salmon, sardines – and lots more. Here is a great list, just choose the low carb foods from it:
Here’s a good read that links to some scientific studies on the topic:
I have a full body composition scale, and my bone density has not decreased over the last 6-7 years of eating low carb.
For the spices mix you put on the shrimp are you worried about sugar that’s in . I was thinking of buying it , is it low carb.
Hi JJ π The “oh my spice” line is sugar free, gluten free, paleo friendly etc. The sweet & savory I use is zero carb. You can see the nutrition facts on the label at: It’s delicious on chicken and seafood! π