I love reviewing low carb foods for you, because when I first started eating low carb I wasted A LOT of money trying things out – and discovering a lot of low carb products I did NOT like. 😛
Speaking of, we were talking about my favorite low carb pancake mix on Facebook last night.
I discovered it’s TWICE the price on Amazon as it is on Netrition (a much better deal), which is where I get it.
DOUBLE the price, seriously! You can see for yourself at those links. Wow!
It’s little things like that – which product is best, the cheapest place to get it, the best way to use it, etc that I love sharing with you. I do earn commission on many of the products we discuss, but I still tell you when I don’t like them (and why).
Or when I love them, like Good Dee’s Pancake Mix – but that the New Hope Mills pancake & waffle mix is just as good and MUCH cheaper. It’s just a better value.
That reminds me: I need to write up my review/comparison of the Know Foods pancake mix, the blueberry muffins I made with it and how those turned out, and how all three mixes compare between taste & price. Stay tuned for that one!;)
I have a lot of NEW low carb foods & products to check out. I want to share what’s topping my list to review next – so we can open up the discussion, and you can let me know which interest you most or any questions you have about them…
I decided to review the Ketologie 21 Day Keto Kick-Start Program because I fell in LOVE with their chocolate Keto Shake mix and want to try their bone broths too.
I’m anxious to dig in and try some of their recipes! 🙂
The chocolate and vanilla Keto Shake mixes will make great coffee creamer AND meal replacement drinks. The bone broth will be great for me while I’m working on getting my appetite back too. I’m thinking it will also make a great (very simple!) soup base with butter, spinach & broccoli – or leftovers.:)
Low Carb Boxes: Keto Krate vs Keto Delivered
I’ve been getting the Keto Krate boxes for well over a year now, and recently decided to review a few other low carb delivery services – including Keto Delivered.
I just got their last two boxes, the November box on the left and the December box on the right:
I also just got my December Keto Krate box. 🙂
I really love the Keto Krate, and I’ve tried The Keto Box too, and am enjoying checking out Keto Delivered now too. A lot of people ask me which one I prefer, which is a tough question to answer! 😉 I’ll have to sit down and write out the main differences between them and do a detailed comparison. But honestly, they all vary month to month – as far as what kinds of low carb products are in them.
Which of the keto / low carb box subscription services have you tried?
I would love to hear which YOU prefer, and why! 🙂
I made videos of both boxes with more detailed photos in the comments on Facebook. Here’s the Keto Delivered Video and here is the Keto Krate Video both with photo comments if you want to check those out.
The December Keto Krate box shown above is still available btw, and they are shipping out next business day until they run out. Keto Delivered promises delivery before Christmas if you order by the 18th. Just FYI!
More Fun Low Carb Foods & Ideas I Want To Try…
I still have some of the Peanut Butter & Chocolate Ice Cream Bites in the freezer that I made with the Atkins Shakes. I was thinking I could use those in the blender with cold coffee to make a frappe-style coffee ice cream shake. 🙂
I have two new cake mixes from Good Dee’s to make still, a chocolate cake mix and yellow cake mix. I’m thinking cupcakes!
I’m not actually a big cake eater, so I’m trying to come up with something more creative – like maybe a blueberry crumble or something??
I have the ChocoNite sugar free hot cocoa from ChocZero which I want to try as-is, but I also have a recipe for a Low Carb Chocolate Cream Pie using this hot cocoa mix that looks GREAT – so that’s on my list too.
I still have some ChocZero Dipping Cups too, which are delicious! 🙂
The white chocolate dipping cups are still sold out (for now) but their Keto Bark is back in stock. That’s something I’ve been wanting to try.
And last but not least… one of my all time favorite low carb foods: Pili Nuts! has come out with a Pili Nut Butter. 🙂 THAT was exciting news!!
I absolutely love Pili Nuts, as a snack for sure – but I especially love cooking with them, like in this delicious Cauliflower Rice Recipe.
Pili Nuts complement caulirice SO well!
I have quite a few products to review and new low carb recipes to try, but these are topping my list at the moment.
What’s something new you’ve tried lately that you LOVE – or don’t? 🙂
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler


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