Below are all of my low carb meals yesterday, and my MyFitnessPal diary so you can see how I logged them.
I woke up this morning to a nice surprise: more weight loss! 🙂
My weight has only been fluctuating (mostly UP) lately, but since I’m so close to my goal weight it hasn’t really bothered me. I just keep eating low carb, and stay focused on my goal of getting in GREAT shape this year.
Still, it was nice to see a new number on the scales. 🙂
I started the Fall Low Carb Challenge on August 1st at 141.2 pounds. Today I weigh 137.4 pounds. While almost 4 pounds may not seem like much weight to lose, I’m THRILLED with it! I knew my loss would be slow because of how much I’ve lost already (and being close to goal), and also because I’ve not made any major lifestyle changes for this challenge – I’ve been eating ketogenic consistently with no breaks for over 6 months now.
If you think YOU lose weight slow, I hope that makes you feel better -lol.
137.4 is a new all-time low for me. I hit 137.6 on October 8th, which was 12 days ago. Since then my weight has fluctuated like this:
When that happens to you for two week stretches, you can wonder if you’re doing something wrong – or if you should switch something up. Sometimes that’s the case, but more often than not it’s just a normal weight loss trend of lose / fluctuate / lose.
I’ve found sticking it out is where I see the most success. 🙂
Just keep eating low carb, keep eating healthy, continue making healthy choices and keep moving. That’s what I tell myself, and what I do myself, and how I’ve gotten from almost 200 pounds down to 137.4 pounds. Finally. 😛
Tuesday’s Low Carb Meals:
I had a healthy low carb breakfast of pecans, berries & cottage cheese. It’s 1/2 cup of pecan pieces, 1/4 cup Daisy Brand cottage cheese, 4 small diced strawberries and 17.5 grams of blueberries. (6 net carbs, 85% healthy fat)
For lunch I finished my Low Carb Sausage Biscuits. I had two of them, but I only ate 1 1/2. I got full quick, and honestly was just more tired than hungry, lol.
I had a nice long nap after lunch, then cooked up a quick dinner.
I used a Oscar Mayer Smokies link. I love these – and they’re zero carb! 🙂
I fried one Smokies link, and made 3 eggs scrambled with colby jack cheese in real butter to go with it (which I cooked in the same skillet). Easy meal, no big mess!
I was up late after having a nice afternoon nap, so when I got hungry again I enjoyed one of my Low Carb Peanut Butter Brownies… with an ounce of cream cheese.
That sounded like it would be good together – and it was! 🙂
Here’s My MyFitnessPal Diary for Tuesday:
Macronutrients: Simple Explanation Of Low Carb Macros
How To Get A Net Carbs Column in MyFitnessPal
Calories: 2087
Net Carbs: 21
Total Carbs: 38
Protein: 78 Grams
80% Fat, 15% Protein
Water: 48 ounces
Here’s a picture of my happy moment on the scales this morning. 🙂
I didn’t do a workout yesterday. I took a day off to rest my muscles after the big hike the day before. Today I’m aiming to get in another great hike, so stay tuned for some fun fitness adventure photos!
How are things going for you?
How are you doing with your low carb meals & macro tracking? Any questions or struggles? I would love to hear your results so far…
Leave a comment & let’s talk. 🙂
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler


Congrats! The fluctuations can drive us crazy but like my friend said when I sent her my graph since January, “That graph would make me feel much better about fluctuating too! Little Ups and downs it may go, but when you back up, it’s just a line going down.”
As of this morning I’m only (ha, only!) 18.2 lbs down since the beginning of this year, but I am so proud of where I’m at. 173 to 154.2 today.
I have saved myself money and given myself a “new” wardrobe by fitting into almost all of my old clothes again. Almost makes me sad that I bought new shorts and pants this year because I want them to become my “fat pants”. You look amazing, so proud of your accomplishments….go us!
Thank you Amy! π I love that – so very true. And I did the same thing. I bought a lot of new clothes about a year ago, and again in the Spring, and can’t wear most of them now. π A few of them I want to get altered, many of them my daughter gladly took, and I’m working on sorting through the rest to give away.
I’m having fun “shopping” in my own closet now too. I have lots of things I had put away that were too small before… that I’m falling back in love with! π
You’ve done GREAT. Almost 20 pounds lighter this year already?! Way to go!!
You mentioned last week that you notice feeling real hungry just before a weight drop. This happened to me too. I am finally under 190 – lowest weight in 8 years. My weight loss has been slow but steady. I have been low carb since January 2016 but on this challenge since March 2016. Went from 215 to 188, Body has changed, my butt is reshaped itself. Lost over 5 inches in my waist. I am 68 years old and i know that increases the challenge to lose weight. Now finally feeling healthier and can start walking again.
Congrats, Kathy – that’s awesome!! π I know it feels GREAT. I’m so glad to hear how much success – and CHANGE – you’re seeing!
And yes, I do usually have those “hungry days” right before my weight drops again. Noticing those trends, that one and my usual “hold” patterns in between, makes it easier to stay on track between scale changes. π
I CANNOT tell you how glad I am to hear both of you remark on hungry days before a loss!
I just hit pounds lost and have been hovering there for about 2 weeks. The last 3 days I have been starving!! I have stayed low carb and working out so I’m hopeful to see some downward movement on that scale.
Thanks for the stories and info!!
Just keep at it, Carrie – the holds are totally normal (it’s your body adjusting) and staying consistent and powering through is the key! π
Awesome weight loss!!! I know you are thrilled to see the scale go down even further. One question – do you ever use low carb protein shakes? I don’t think I’ve seen them on your website but wondered. I get sooooo hungry that I use them in between meals sometimes.
Hi DJ π If I buy shakes (I like the GNC Total Lean strawberry shakes) then I tend to drink them yes. But I rarely buy them. I prefer 1/2 cup of pecan halves. It’s just as easy to “grab & eat” and it’s 420 calories and only 2 net carbs – so very filling, and over 90% fat, which is ideal.
Your post really helps. I am on a slippery slope of wondering is this really going to work for me? I lose so slowly, and then I get discouraged and I cheat. It’s a vicious cycle and now I’m doubting if I should do this. But in my head, this sounds like a logical and healthy plan. When I started out, my goal was consistency. I need to remember that because anytime I’ve started a weight loss plan, I’m done in 3 weeks and back to my old ways. This is such a tough mental shift for me.
Hi Sarah,
I was on that dieting roller coaster for years, off and on off and on. I lost the same 20 pounds over and over and over. It was exhausting!
What has finally worked for me is just being consistent – no matter what, no matter how I feel, no matter what the scales say – I keep eating low carb for my health.
My physical health AND mental health – because it kept my head in a spin and kept me frustrated and disappointed in myself. And when I don’t eat low carb, I have chronic pain flare-ups (inflammatory arthritis) and can’t get out and be active and have fun – which just adds to the problem.
Anyway, I had to say “eat for your health” over and over some days (weeks, months, lol). And now I am in the 130’s – which feels surreal, and crazy and awesome and I FLIPPING DID IT!!! π That feels amazing. π I wish that feeling for you!
I also have inflammatory arthritis…and am eating LCHF consistently for almost 6 months…how long does it take to get off steroids and on something else and have this WOE help me as it’s helped you? It’s SO discouraging trying so hard and still hurting. That inflammatory pain is just AWFUL
It really is awful pain, Sydney. Yours may be more severe than mine was. Mine was localized to my lower back from an accident, which would cause a pinched nerve and all over body pain.
I can’t remember how long it took honestly, and I do still get slight flare-ups, but nothing like before. I just know I realized one day that it wasn’t happening as frequently or as severe.
How long have you been eating keto consistently? Ketogenic low carb being 20 net carbs max, 70% fat minimum?
I started eating KETO (LCHF) May 15th 2016 with NO cheating…(and NO weight loss I might add ) and then just the last two weeks adding in the intermittent fasting with amazing results (weight loss wise 8#) my macro numbers on MFP are 5/80/15% and I consistently stay 20 and below on my carbs with very close to 80% fats! My challenge is keeping my protein in check. I was just thinking maybe you could give me an idea how long to get thru this RA inflammatory steroid problem. A good year I’m thinking But getting some weight off will DEFINATELY help my new knees. I started at 222# and down to 211# BUT that loss is just recent w/IF. I use to SOMERSIZE and lose 1# a week/4 mo. This is way better! Thank you Lynn for your reply n concern! Your a gemβ€οΈ
I’ve been sitting on 141.8 for a few days and hoping for at least 139.9 in the near future. Today I’m up a pound. I usually go up a pound just before a drop in weight. Fingers crossed this pattern continues. I’ve stayed on plan and been exercising and gardening, so maybe my biggest challenge is drinking water. Need to come up with a trigger and convenient way to carry water around.
I have that same pattern, Sue – up a pound or so before it drops again. That’s exactly what happened this week, as you can see from the numbers I shared. π
A lot of people say water is the key, but I didn’t drink water when I first started eating low carb and lost weight just fine. I drink quite a bit of water now, and lose about the same – so I don’t know about that. I eat a lot of foods that are naturally high in water content (which is where we get most of our required water intake from – our foods).
Anyway, hang in there. You’re 130’s are going to happen soon!! π
Do you drink bulletproof coffee in the morning or coffee in general? I don’t it listed in your macros and was curious. I have lost 12 pounds in 9 months, slow as a snail, and while I’m okay with this, I would still like to lose another 15 pounds to reach goal. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. I’m wondering if I need to forget the bullet proof coffee and concentrate on counting calories instead….TY
Hi Shelly π
I’ve tried BPC two different times now, with no results – except more time and mess in the kitchen than usual, lol. Go two weeks without it and see what happens. If you don’t change anything else and do a “clean test” for two weeks, you’ll know for sure!
I do drink coffee, LOTS of it lol. I use Coffee-Mate sugar free powdered hazelnut creamer (1 carb per TBSP) and I log those in my MFP diary.
I used to get net carbs on MFP and it went away. I tried again and it didn’t work. I noticed you now have it on all your posts and tried again, still no go! I have grease monkey loaded and this is what my morning coffee looks like once listed. No net carbs. Any idea what I am doing wrong?
pumpkin spice creamer, 1 serving(s) 55 2 6 0 1 1
Coffee – French Press – Black, 10 oz 2 0 0 0 0 0
Add Food Quick Tools
57 2 6 0 1 1
Hi Linda,
You may need to update it – or uninstall and reinstall the plugin. Here are the instructions: Just make sure you do the last step to activate it, that’s the step most people miss. π
I uninstalled and redid all the steps. It is working again! I am not sure why it quit working after I installed it the first time.Thanks!
Yeah 4 you and thank God your pedi is copacetic Do you know how many pictures I’ve looked at like that with disgusting feet?!?!! Yuc. Anyway….I want to remind everyone to TRY intermittent fasting! It’s SO EASY….your not very hungry eating high fat anyway and you DROP POUNDS FAST! Ok people…this is the old menopausal woman on thyroid meds…steroids and high blood n cholesterol meds…..sticking to this WOE since mid May not losing one itsybitsy ounce! I just added 18/6 intermittent fasting …and (1-2). 24 hr. Fast a week and lost 5 # both weeks! I was simply amazed! I eat my last meal at 6pm and wait til Noon to eat again. That’s eat nothing but water for 18 hrs. For me….6pm-noon. (and it’s ok to have morning coffee) but wait til noon for food and eat whatever you want (LCHF ofcourse!) in your 6 hr. Window. For me….(noon-6pm). Then for sure on Sundays…cuz I work all day… I do the 24 hr. Fast. Eat Saturday nite dinner at 6pm….then eat Sunday nite dinner 6pm (Only liquids in between). Can google Dr. Jason Fung and UTube him for more info. IT REALLY WORKS PEOPLE! Atleast try…wattayagottolose
I’m so glad you found something that works so well for you, Sydney! π Thanks for the details too – I’m sure many others will find that helpful!
I’m with Sydney on the intermittent fasting. Breakfast has never appealed to me and rarely can I eat before noon so I just wait a couple more hours then enjoy my low carb foods. I try to do the 18 hour fast but only two or three days a week and have never done a 24 hour fast. Honestly, I feel great doing this and love it. My husband on the other hand is dying if he doesn’t have breakfast within 30 minutes after he wakes up. Lol. I know it works as far as losing weight and feeling good but I also know some people aren’t able to do it and have to find their own way. For me, I love it!
I’m not a morning eater either. π I like my coffee and quiet time for a good couple of hours first! It’s definitely idea for each person to find what works best for them, and I love that we all share ideas for others to consider.:)
Still thinking about your heart sharing post the other day…….. you are georgeous! And work so hard 2 blog for us!
Anywho, I am doing good, lost 11 lbs. so far.
Thank u, thank u!!
Congrats on your 11 pound weight loss, Sherry! π It’s amazing how GREAT that feels, isn’t it? I’m always surprised at how even a few pounds – much less every TEN pounds gone FEELS. π
Everything you make looks so yummy
Thank you, Carol! π I’ve definitely had a few “recipe fails” that turned out quite ugly – but at least still edible, lol. I’m still learning in the kitchen;) haha *cheers*